5/5 Taurus New Moon - Soul Journey Breathwork Circle

from $44.00
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Join us on Sunday, May 5, 2024, from 2 - 5pm in Asheville, NC, for a sacred gathering where women and female-identified sisters will come together to embrace the energy of the Taurus New Moon. Rooted in the nurturing influence of the lunar cycle, we'll cultivate new intentions and manifestations, guided by the collective energy of sisterhood.

New moons offer potent opportunities for setting intentions and initiating new beginnings. With the Taurus energy encouraging us to ground our desires into tangible reality, we'll harness this energy to cultivate the life we desire to live. Together, let's embark on this transformative journey of intention-setting and manifestation, supported by the power of sisterhood.

What to Expect:

As we gather in Circle, we'll create a safe and supportive space where each participant can share their intentions and aspirations for the lunar cycle ahead. Through open-hearted sharing and mutual support, we'll cultivate a sense of sisterhood and unity.

Guided breathing exercises and meditations will help us tap into the deep wisdom of our bodies and connect with the energy of the Taurus New Moon. Through these practices, we'll align ourselves with the natural rhythms of the universe and channel the fertile energy of new beginnings.

During the Breath Circle session, we'll embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and intention setting. Through the power of conscious breathing, we'll release any obstacles or limitations that stand in the way of our desires, paving the way for new opportunities and manifestations to enter our lives.

Join us as we gather to honor the lunar rhythms and breathe life into the intentions we desire to set forth.

Soul Journey Breathwork Session:

Soul Journey Breathwork is a transformative, active 3-part breath technique, delving into the subconscious by activating your gamma, theta, and delta brainwaves to offer heightened self-awareness, clarity, and boundless self-exploration. Diverging from the pranayama breath practices often found in yoga studios, this breath journey triggers activation in the body, scientifically altering brain chemistry to deliver deeply therapeutic transformation, neural reprogramming, soulful clarity, and personal empowerment.

Through deliberate deep breathing, a thoughtfully curated playlist, and tenderly guided facilitation, this breathing practice opens doors to additional states of consciousness, nurturing your journey towards inner wisdom, self-discovery, and heightened self-awareness. It's a pathway to unlocking deeper layers of personal growth and wellness within oneself.

Explore the expansive landscapes of your mind, shedding emotional blockages and embrace your truth. Through the transformative power of breath, deepen into trust with who you are as you open into the most authentic version of you rooted in clarity and love.

Open to women and female-identified individuals that are beginners and seasoned breathers alike. Join us in this breathwork experience and embark on a journey of self-discovery, connection, and clarity of self.

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What is an Soul Journey Breathwork?

Your Soul Journey Breathwork is a co-created experience with 50 minutes of breathing (active and rest breath). The container we create is based on the energies of Interconnected Love, and will include a customized playlist to help you steep deeper in those intentions. The Pranayama technique we will be practicing is the technique that David Elliot has introduced to the States, and is simply named “Pranayama”. It is an active, 3-part breath with active and rest periods that assists a deep dive into the subconscious. At the end of the session, I welcome gentleness into your system with journaling and rest. 

Tell me more about the breath.

Breathing through a relaxed, open mouth, this dynamic pattern of breath assists us to shift into the subconscious through changing the frequency of how our brain vibrates, producing alternate brainwaves like Theta waves, Delta waves, and Gamma waves. This assists in creating a rich environment for alchemizing our lived experiences with our deepest inner wisdom. The “journey” offers an opening for us to soften any defenses within us that prevent us from experiencing ALL of ourselves, and we are able to experience the tapestry of our wholeness, access clear-knowing, explore inner landscapes with courage, and amplify the natural inclination to heal that which is out of balance.

The breath knows the way, and so we trust it to lead us to the things we’re ready to embrace, dismantle, receive, transform, and alchemize. This journey may evoke spiritual openings, development of compassion, surfacing of memories and past experiences for us to witness and integrate, a deepening of tolerance, and so much more. Each journey is unique and it is wholly yours. You will be lovingly supported in your sovereignty and held in an energetic container of safety.

How do I prepare for this journey?

Fill out the contraindications and waiver form within 48 hours prior to your session. The day of the journey, don’t eat food for at least an hour before, and I invite you to bring a journal or paper and writing utensils to capture parts of your experience with words or images once you’re complete. Bring water, and snacks for after the session. Additionally, if there are any sacred items you want to add to the altar or keep with you, please feel free to bring them. There will be a cozy space for you to lay down in, but if you have blankets, eye pillows, or other comfort items that you love and bring you support, please bring them as well.

Are there physical side-effects to breathwork?

While breathwork is a completely safe practice, the body may respond with physical sensations that are unfamiliar. One example of a common physical side effect is tetany of the hands and feet (carpopedal spasms) where your hands may tighten and curl inwards. This typically passes within 15 minutes of completing the session and, so long as it’s not too uncomfortable for you, is safe to breathe through. Some have shared they may experience ringing in their ears, or tingling sensations in various parts of your body. During the session, your body may shake, move around, or you may feel the need to scream, laugh out loud, or cry. This is all part of the energetic release and is FULLY welcome. And, as every journey is unique to the breath of the moment, you may experience all or none of these.

Is it relaxing?

Yes, and…..
Some find difficulty with this breath, and others drop in quickly and deeply, and some experience variations each time they breathe. What is important to remember is, this is an active breathWORK, meaning it involves “work” on your part. You will be lying down in a comfortable space with your eyes closed…and…there will be some muscle engagement to practice the breath pattern. There will be times of rest between the active parts and then a longer relaxation towards the end of the session. So, yes. And…

How to prepare  and what to bring:

  • Please don’t eat food for at least an hour before the session. 

  • Comfort items for sitting and laying on the floor and for during breathwork (cushions, bolsters, yoga mat, cozy blankets, sheep skin, etc.)

  • Eye pillows

  • Journal and pen

  • Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. 

  • You are welcome to bring a snack for afterwards, and water in a sealed container for during is of course welcome.

  • Open mind and open heart.


  • East Asheville, NC, USA (exact location provided upon registration)


  • 6 - 8pm EST

This gathering is a closed experience, meaning once we begin, we cannot accept any late arrivals to encourage confidentiality and ease of nervous systems for all. Please plan travel times accordingly, arrive early so you can get settled in and begin unfolding into the sanctuary of our space together. I also ask that you leave cellphones and electronic devices in the car to honor and allow each participant the spaciousness to explore connection without distractions. 

 If you have any questions or concerns around any contraindications, please email Deanna at deanna@deannajannuzzi.com to ensure safety in your body. 

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